Mar 12, 2011

Armor of Light

It is time to wake up, wake up out of your slumber. The night is now over and the day is almost spent. Its time to put away the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.

You are the children of the light so walk in my Spirit. My Spirit is Love for all humanity. I have compassion towards all mankind and I groan and yearn that they might come into a personal relationship with me. I am lonely for their fellowship.

There are some that say that they are mine and yet they walk in darkness still because they have not yielded themselves to the fullness of my Holy Spirit. Why would you choose darkness and sin and death when I offer you eternal life, love and peace?

The armour of light I give you will repell every circumstance that comes your way that would try to damage your souls. Be careful, be watchful for your enemy is marching through the land seeking whom he may devour. You must show him that you will not be intimidated by his sneers, his comments, his lies, his false accusations.

Stand your ground rooted and grounded in my word and nothing shall by any means hurt or harm you.
Make a joyful noise unto me now for I have given you the victory over your present circumstances!

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