Apr 23, 2012

Signs of the Times

"And, in the 'Last Day's' of the Earth, before the Son appears in the Clouds of the air; the Earth shall go into travail, as a Mother giving birth...." We're at the beginning. The "Youth & Young" rule the governments of the globe. Morality is fast disappearing. Mocking and Scoffing at God and Godly people, is on the rise. The Culture now teaches; 'Don't marry, shack up instead'. Wickedness is considered 'right' while Moral Living is considered bad. "Wicked" has become a praise term in common language usage by the young. Full rebellion against the elders is the norm. Children are taught NOT to obey their parents. Disrespecting the established ways and elderly is now the norm. Abuse is on the rise because people have lost natural affection. The love of many has gone hard....even among church people and Pastors. 
The Rich are getting richer, while the Poor are getting poorer. Famine has spread across many parts of Africa. Wars and rumors of wars are continuous. Religious and Tribal Wars have increased. Pharmacao ~ Use of all manner of illegal and man made drugs are norm and constant. Earthquakes, Tsunamis rage across the Globe. 
Hurricanes worse than ever before seen are continuous. Multiple kinds of living creatures by the thousands at a time are dropping dead in mass all over the Globe. There are strange sounds roaring out of 'no where' in key places across the globe that no scientists can find the cause for; yet they are being recorded on film. Nations governments all across the Globe are in confusion because their economies are so intertwined, yet beyond control. 
The waters of the Globe are becoming so polluted that even across the USA health departments are now regularly advising citizens NOT to drink the "Cleaned" Tap water, because the chemicals and chlorine being used can't purify away all the particulates of feces and urine, manufacturing and pharmaceutical drugs being released in the rivers, streams, and lakes. 
Heart disease and other "Killer Diseases" are rampant . And still, people say, "Who is God?" "There is no God". "Who cares? Let's party hardy!" And all the time; the written words of the Messiah Jesus can be read across the "Gospels" foretelling the "Last Times". Yet people don't pay attention. Everything I've written is recorded in Bible Scriptures, warning people "Of that Generation in Time" so they can prepare their heart's and their lives for Jesus and Eternity. And so.....Strange storms rage, and shall continue. 
But! Those who know why, are to warn those who don't. That way, those who don't know why, can get themselves ready. Because: Jesus said: "WHEN you BEGIN to see these things happening across the Earth: LOOK UP! {meaning, look into the Heavens} For your REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR!" .....peace

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