Apr 23, 2011

The Blood of Christ

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ. For HE is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an end.    Ehes 2:13-16

For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.  Gal 3:27-29

Repent, and be baptized every one of you in name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, every one  whom the Lord our God calls to him.  Acts 2:38-39 

For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the sprinkling of defiled persons with the ashes of a heifer, sanctify for the purification of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.

Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance,since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.
Heb 9:13-15 

Therefore, preparing your minds for action,and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written "You shall be holy, for I am holy."

And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you who through him are believers in God,who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God;   1  Peter 1: 13-23 

Apr 21, 2011

The writings of Paul

There are actually NO contradictions in the Roman Senator, turned Apostle Paul's Writings; tho on the surface, it appears there may be. Let me explain. There are "Keys" to understanding, which, because most American Post Modern Believers have not been actually taught, how to study scripture. Consequently; many Believers use the following method for interpreting scripture:
(a) They either forget, or, were not taught, that Paul was a Lawyer, taught all Law & Customs & History of the Hebrew people & their Religion. That the man who taught Paul, was Gamaliel, a man, whom to this day; Jewish Rabbi's declare a Teacher of the Law only below Moses.
(b) They do not realize that it was Gamaliel, whom was highly respected in Rome as a Roman/Jewish Attorney, himself, who also taught Saul/Paul all the Roman Laws.
(c) That because Paul actually was from Tarsus, rather than the center of Jewish Life of Jerusalem, until he was taken to Rome, interviewed by the acting Caeser & the Senate in Rome, approved for Roman Citizenship & to the Judean/Samaritan Provincial Senate of Rome, called the Sanhedrin; he was also great influenced by the various Empirecal sub-cultures.
(d) That he was from a very powerful Jewish Clan of wealthy business men and women.
(e) THat according to Hebrew/Roman Custom & Law, Paul, being appointed to serve as a Roman Provincial Senator in the Sanhedrin; Paul was required to be married BEFORE his appointment, and to be a married man while serving in the Sanhedrin.
 (f) That being a "TOP ROMAN / JUDEAN Attorney; Saul/Paul always wrote as an attorney, thought and spoke as an attorney.
g) Being as such, serving in an Empire where even Hebrews, who followed Moses, came from many different Sub Nationalities, scattered across the Empire.
(h) Therefore, as a trained Attorney, each writing (Letter actually) was written in the style of building a Court Case, being directed as TARGETED TO the specific culture of whom he was writing.
(i) Thusly; It is vital for any student of the Bible, and especially of the writings of Saul/Paul; to understand that every single noted item above; played into his writing style.
(j) Further; As a practice Attorney, he would write as though, from a multi-pronged viewpoint so as to
(1) build a systematic court case to prove the truth he saw,
(2) to teach/show, the reader of his DAY, where their error was in thinking.
(k) He also saw a Tri-Fold Life System, affecting every Believer.
(1) He saw each Believer struggling within his own sub-culture and the traditions & customs of their own sub-culture,
(2) He saw every Believer as actually living a duality: One part continuously in this Earthly Realm, held and hindered by it's structures and strictures, while in the other active portion; every Believer was actually, already dwelling in the Spiritual, Eternal, Heavenly Realm, thru Christ Jesus & the Holy Spirit, Yahweh, at the same time.

Consequently: As today, (IF) the average Citizen were to receive an Attorney's Legal Brief & Case in writing; of which that Attorney has previously written in the American Court System (which in actuality are written, using the very same Ancient Hebrew Court Document Writing Systems, even today......... That Believer would usually struggle and believe the attorney who wrote the brief; was bouncing from one standpoint to another. When in reality, similarly; as Attorneys today, write, using the following steps usually, of; Introductive Thought, followed by a point by point, stair step system, until they have built their case point; followed by a total summation; which in itself, repeats usually the sum of the whole argument.  For this cause [Concerning Saul/Paul's] Writings, even then: Peter declared, saying of Paul's Writings; "They are hard to follow and harder to understand...."

 Now, Saul, Paul, being an Attornery, would have automatically considered EACH LETTER as simply a "builder's Stone" fitly placed upon the previously written letter; whether the intended reader had seen Saul/Paul's previously written letters. Why? Because every Attorney is taught to understand, that NO Case stands upon it's own merit. Rather, each case must be proven, by standing upon all other preceeding cases. This was customarilly taught in that day.....for all Lawyers. Therefore; this is why Saul/Paul, wrote to Timothy, demanding as an order, rather thsn as a suggestion; that Timothy......."STUDY to show yourself a Teacher, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." (AND) the "Word" which Paul was writing about, was not other Epistles in that Letter, but rather, he was speaking of the Writings of the Prophets, the Chronicles of the Kings, Psalms, Proverbs, and all of the Davidic/Solomonic Writings. We would commonly know them as the Talmud & Torah.

Or, as Old Testament.....though the Western Church Old Testament does not contain ALL of the Prophet's Writings of which Rabbi's tofday, still declare were anointedly written under the direct unction of Yahweh, the Holy Spirit; And as the Ancient Ethiopian Orthodox Church (the oldest surving church from Jesus' desciples, in actuality; holds to those same beyond and including the Western Church's accepted Bible. Writings such as the Writer whom Jesus was quoting, when he was teaching on marriage subjects......Barrukk the student Prophet trained by Jeremiah the Prophet. Now, therefore: When reading Paul's Writings.... to insure one is truly understanding his message correctly:

It is best to learn the following;

1. WHO was he writing to?
2. WHAT was their culture & understanding level concerning Moses' and Judaism as a Religion?

3. UNDERSTANDING all of Paul's personal training in the LAW, PROPHETS, TALMUD, TORAH, (AND) Roman Law as well?

4. Remembering that Paul saw everyone living a "DUAL LIFE" constantly...... One of "OUTWARD APPEARANCES"....while living one of "ETERNAL, SPIRITUAL, HEAVENLY MEMBERSHIP ALREADY THRU JESUS" at the same time.

5. REMEMBERING ALWAYS as one reads, that to receive a full understanding of some meaning of Paul, one needs to READ THE WHOLE LETTER, first looking for the main sub-dividers of Introduction~Itemized Listings of his Main Case Goal, realizing that when it "Appears Paul is changing to a completely different thought.....in reality, it is simply a "By-Way" to help furnish further evidence to build toward his Main THought Goal in his case, and then, look for a summation to round everything up.

There are Key Phrases Paul used to re-signify all of the above...... Statements such as; ".....in the LAW you understand......."  "......in the Kingdom of Heaven....."   ".....dwelling in Heavenly Places IN Christ Jesus...."  "....being free from the curse of the Law..."  ".......man looks upon the outward appearances, while the Elohim looks on the heart (inward purpose....."  "........Works done without Charity, are as sounding brash & tinkling cymbals......."  A perfect example of this is found in First Corinthians Chapter 7. Most Preachers and BElievers teach and hang whole doctrines on the English translations of the first half of that chapter, as the guideline for marriage and divorce and remarriage, yet ignoring that in verses 27 & 28, when applying the original greek definitions to his words translated in english; one finds Paul declaring the word LUO, where the english word is loosed.....There-by, many Preachers and theologians wrongly have taught that Paul was talking about engaged people, having a broken engagement, when re-marrying.... when in reality: the Word LUO rightly defines a marriage that has been totally desimated, destroyed, cut assunder.... while allowing re-marriage. [This teaching will not debate the divorce subject]. Another was when Paul told the Believers (apparently) that their women should.....
..SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP in Church......
While in other places clearly shows women in ministry roles. One such example is CHLOE!  In every culture of that Era; CHLOE was ALWAYS known singularly, as a Female, a Woman's name!
Never was it used signifying MALE! Yet, Saul/Paul wrote noting Chloe's Church in her home...... Now, to the untrained reader (untrained in all of the above....) it would appear Paul was contradicting himself. In reality, he was showing believers how to walk and mature spiritually, while at the same time, being concerned NOT to confuse or distract a new or weak, fearful Believer..... Another set of "Key" Pauline Phrases to show as example are;.......... "Put on the whole armor of God......"  or, "In the Kingdom, there's neither male nor female...."  others are found in Titus, Timothy 1,2........   Another such example was Saul/Paul writing about Elders being Husband of one Wife..... THe modern American Church has wronmgly interpreted this to throw away anointed Believers who went through divorce!  Yet, as I was hinting at in the beginning of this treatice concerning Paul......Catholic Historians of the Roman Government Documents clearly ahow that Roman/Sanhedrin Rules and Regulations, required Paul to be married. Yet he clearly lived most the second half his life as a single male..... except for the statement/question: "..

"....Am I the only Apostle not allowed to take unto myself a wife?"  What has been cleverly forgotten was this: As it still is in the majority of the Arabic, and even some other regions of the world......In Judaism, and even in Christendom until nearly 300 A.D. It was always a lawful practice for a man to have as many Wives as he could afford. Polygamy was a normal facet of life in all cultures, including very early Christanity. But by about 70 A.D., the acting Apostles and Bishops decided that it was better.......as a LIVING TESTIMONY of the Barukkian teaching on marriage, of which Yeshua/Jesus expanded on......that those living in the FIVE FOLD MINISTRIES, the Deacons, be actively married to ONLY ONE WOMAN AT A TIME.  There-by signifying the Unity of mind~body~spirit~goals~purpose~dreams~goals of which the Master/Jesus had for them which HE would fulfill in and thru their life as "ONE RESTORED HUMAN BEING.... as ADAM & EVER BEFORE THEY FELL" signifying the purity of which Jesus brings.  Yet, even in this.....Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit gave a Way of Restoration & Freedom from the CURSE OF THE LAW as recorded in First Corinthians Chapter 7: verses 1-28...... Yet in that same passage, he seems to contradict himself, unless one remembers that he saw all Believers livinbg a "Dual Existance"..... Earth Realm & Heavenly Realm at the sametime thru Christ Jesus.... for he gives a spiritual 29-40........  NOW! THere are those of foreign religions beyond Judaism & Christianity, in which some theologians have begun a concerted effort to tear down the Bible and Christianity at large, by attacking the Holy Spirit Inspired Writer of 2/3 of the New Testament, Paul the Apostle. Sadly..... some of their followers are now (having been taught it okay and worthy, to lie..... to gain a greater victory......are showing themselves falsely as being Christans......
This has sadly been the case from the very beginning of the Risen Savior. In Summation: Study Paul's Writings with the fresh understanding found in this treatice and you will be able to "Rightly Understand" how Paul uses a [Another "Key Phrase Example of Paul's thinking process"]
in other words, Paul was saying......Learn how to understand that God's Word deals both with the actual, physical, cultural surrounding you live in, while on a deeper sense, we are to learn how to live as fully spiritual beings in the Heavenly Realm, thru Christ Jesus. THere in again; Paul was re-saying what he had before: "While man looks upon the outward appearances of things.......Elohim looks upon the heart.....of the matter." paraphrased....
.. Now: Remembering that Paul was "Taught" by the Lord after Jesus appeared unto him on the highway to Damascus; he said in the days following....... So, his finite brain was "Re-Programed" to think more as Yeshua/Jesus thought....remembering that Jesus always taught using "Double meaning Parables".


Apr 14, 2011

Puppy Love

Jesus said (Oldest English Translations show); ".......
Go! Preach the Gospel unto EVERY <>[meaning ALL of all KINDS] Creatures." Why did he declare it that way? The Bible says, "even the animals and birds of the air, mamals and fish of the sea, yearn for the Son's of God to APPEAR in the Earth." I always was like most concerning animals as a boy & youth. Loving 'em but not yet fully realizing why most of them would WANT to be around me. Then, during 1994, after the Lord had brought me back the second time from death; I was shown a young male dog who's right leg was totally broken from the hip, in such a way that vet's said they'd HAVE to cut the leg off. Something in my spirit said NO! NOW PRAY IN FAITH & HE SHALL BE HEALED! {I now know that "something", was YAhweh the Holy Spirit! For He had been involved in creating all living things. So, laying him down, I gently laid my hads upon him & begn to pray with my "Spiritual God given lnguage". I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit rising in literal FAITH inside me until I began commanding the dog's leg to be fully healed in Jesus' name. When I finished praying, the dog got up as if testing his leg. He followed me outside. Once outside, he begn running in circles, ever larger and faster and faster. I literally saw him rejoicing!
Then, in the summer which Anna & I married, we had gone to a State Park with a 50+acre lake and a trail that goes around the circumpherance for a walk. As we went around a bend, there to our left was a clearing. In that clearing was a Buck with his mature horns, and his 3-4 does, all feeding. Looking up, they immediately froze, seeing us. At first, the Bucks tail went up. Calmly Anna & I stood. Then, out of my spirit, I began speaking in the language of the Angels and began singing to them. Tails went down, and they stood listening for about five minutes. I blessed them in Jesus' name. THey then turned and went into the woods. Since that time, there have been too many true experiences of "close Encounter's" with other wild creatures, birds, dogs, and horses; with them doing and reacting toward me in ways that is "beyond normal". Like the little wren who accidentaly had flown into our tent, while camping, that we didn't see until the next morning in early light of day. Who'd spent the night on a clothes chord right above where yeptha our ShitZhu slept. Then, when we saw it, I greeted it with a "good morning baby, Jesus loves you". & a; " Are you ready to go outside now?" Immediately, that wren flew across the tent, landing on my foot that was poking from under our blanket. He sat there while I rolled to my other side, leaning over Anna, to un-zip the tent door. Pushing it open, he flew from my foot, out-doors. Later that morning, about 40-45 minutes, as Anna & I were seated at the picnic table beginning to eat breakfast, talking about the joyful experience; there came a small flock of 10-15 wrens, all landing in tree limbs within 10" of us. One wren began whistling a tune in shot segments. I began repeating each segment. He'd repeat it again. So, I'd repeat his "same" phrase. As I did, he'd change his to another specific, different tune segment. As I'd copy it in whistle, he'd repeat. So, I'd repeat. Then, he'd whistle a slightly different tune segment. I'd repeat. For nearly ten minutes that one little wren & I "Talked" while all the others were sitting on their perches leaning down toward us watching and listening. When he paused at the end, I said; "Jesus loves you-all." They then all at once, but not as though they were startled, but rather very calmly, all turned in the same direction and took off in unison. Later in that trip we encountered deer. One Paused to listen..... I'll leave other stories for another time. BUT! Here is the message! A Zo-ologist told me once that they'd tested animals in control studies, and had proven that animals are not "SPIRIT-BLIND"! They see into the spiritual realm as well as our own realm that we see as though they are all one. That, they see LIGHT AND DARK AURAS iminateing from each other, and from Humans. It has also been proven in tests that when a person walks in an attitude of love, when a person begins to truly sing or pray praises to Yehovah~Yahweh~Yeshua; that humans imminate a glowing multi colored light from their beings. That the more they do so from the heart, the brighter the multi colored auras become. THey are in facets of colors, which animals can still see, while humans have been blinded to because so much of human's brains have gone dormant. Yet, scientists have never been able to understand why the brain is dormant except for 10% to 15% normally functioning. We understand, who read the "Fall of mankind" from his perfect state. For, remember, Created in the perfect image & likeness of the Elohim, Adam was able to go where all living creatures dwelt so to name them. If one uses logic, one can see that "....when God 'brought' the creatures to Adam for him to name them, God didn't grab whales from the ocean, or fish, to BRING them to Adam, rather, God would have taken Adam to where they were to name them. For, remember! In the very beginning, Adam was a living, carbon copy of Godhead.... 3 interdependent parts in himself, as the Elohim was three yet one on an on-going continuum. Thus, one proof is almost hidden. It says in Creation Story, that God, desiring for a "god like" but just slightly below Angels in fashion and ability of their creation; person having a WILL to love him back; He/God, made ADAM. Then, later it says that Adam, like Elohim before him, realized he too, had no one to love him by a free determination, & that's when the Elohim put ADAM under and did surgery on him, and created a "Living Mirror Image, only, God caused Adam's brain to rotate over into a state in which the "LOGIC" side would be dormant, with the Subliminal functioning, by at a lower state. While when he "Built" Adam's "Mirror Image", Elohim caused Eve's (the 'mirror image') brain to go partly dormant, in that the Subliminal Brain became domenant, while the logic side operated but at a lower state. Yet! When walking in PERFECT UNITY IN THAT STATE OF ELOHIM LOVE with one another; Until Adam & Eve "Fell" under Luciufer/Satan's deception; ADAM & EVE could still do, but together, rarther than singularly; what ADAM had previously been able to do. THe "Rebellion/Fall" forced Elohim to do several things. Because Adam & Eve had been fuuly in perfect abilities with 100% of their brains functioning: When they fell and the Earth, with all it's living things and creatures, fell under the "Broken Curse Authority of the FALLEN ANGEL, Lucifer/Satan;"... God had to "Turn off" the majority of their brain ability, and their communication ability they had previously had with the other creatures. And it says God gave all creatures a FEAR of mankind, for their own protection, for man had become wicked in feeling, desire, and thinking. BUT! When a person, is made Spiritually Alive in relationship to/in Christ Jesus, and seeks of Yahweh, the Holy Spirit to grant them that Elohim Childlike Heart filled with love....... Creatures (Animals & Birds) will see it , as long as that person chooses to "WALK IN YESHUA LOVE" as he did when in the earth. For there are still ancient records confirming that Jesus as a child, youth, and adult, also! Regularly healed hurting and sick animals, as humans. So. Ponder how and why your "Chikens" came toward you s they did at that one given moment.


Apr 8, 2011

Your Life affects those around you

Life is like a quiet ol' pond in the woods..... all the fish, bugs, turtles, frogs, and every other creature living 'round it are happy and settled...... (that is) Until some little kid like person walks by, picks up a rock and throws it in the middle.
FROM THEN ON, NOTHIN'S EVER GONNA BE THE SAME! Wild Life's scared by the noise & run away to hide, the frog leeps away, the turtle swims deep, the fish swim in circles as the mud rises from the bottom, and the dry sides around the pond, turn muddy, makin' it harder for the doe and her fawn to walk down to drink..... All because of an un-thinking, un-caring kid......
RIPPLE AFFECTS.... THey affect many lives...... Not only when you throw the rock... but when anyone does, the ripple affects go on and on and on and on and on.....

A new COMMANDMENT I give unto you. That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.
John 13:34-35
If you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another.  This I say then walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.  Gal 5:15-16 


Apr 6, 2011

Your Obstacle

Build up,build up, prepare the way, remove every obstuction from my people's way.  Isaiah 57:14 

Have you ever driven down a road only to find that it had been blocked off due to construction when previously you were able to drive on it?   Or maybe you have walked down a public sidewalk and you noticed that someone had thrown a beer bottle there in your path and it had shattered into several pieces.  What do you do?  Do you walk around it and allow someone else to get rid of the obstacle in the pathway or do you reach down and pick it up and throw it off the pathway?  

An obstruction is defined as an obstacle, a hinderance, a barrier, or an impediment. Many of you have have had hinderances and obstacle after obstacle placed in your pathway on your journey to the promised land.  There has been a delay in the fulfillment of what God has promised you but I have good news for you today that thing that has caused the obstacle is being removed out of your pathway and it shall not hinder you any longer. 

For I am the LORD; I will speak the word that I will speak, and it will be performed. It will no longer be delayed, but in your days, O rebellious house, I will speak the word and perform it, declares the Lord GOD." Ezek 12:25
None of my words will be delayed any longer, but the word that I speak will be performed, declares the Lord GOD. Ezek 12:28

God has given some of you Visions and Dreams and you have had many obstacles to them being fulfilled but the Lord is saying to you;

The vision awaits its appointed time;  it hastens to the end—it will not lie.If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.  Hab 2:3