Apr 14, 2011

Puppy Love

Jesus said (Oldest English Translations show); ".......
Go! Preach the Gospel unto EVERY <>[meaning ALL of all KINDS] Creatures." Why did he declare it that way? The Bible says, "even the animals and birds of the air, mamals and fish of the sea, yearn for the Son's of God to APPEAR in the Earth." I always was like most concerning animals as a boy & youth. Loving 'em but not yet fully realizing why most of them would WANT to be around me. Then, during 1994, after the Lord had brought me back the second time from death; I was shown a young male dog who's right leg was totally broken from the hip, in such a way that vet's said they'd HAVE to cut the leg off. Something in my spirit said NO! NOW PRAY IN FAITH & HE SHALL BE HEALED! {I now know that "something", was YAhweh the Holy Spirit! For He had been involved in creating all living things. So, laying him down, I gently laid my hads upon him & begn to pray with my "Spiritual God given lnguage". I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit rising in literal FAITH inside me until I began commanding the dog's leg to be fully healed in Jesus' name. When I finished praying, the dog got up as if testing his leg. He followed me outside. Once outside, he begn running in circles, ever larger and faster and faster. I literally saw him rejoicing!
Then, in the summer which Anna & I married, we had gone to a State Park with a 50+acre lake and a trail that goes around the circumpherance for a walk. As we went around a bend, there to our left was a clearing. In that clearing was a Buck with his mature horns, and his 3-4 does, all feeding. Looking up, they immediately froze, seeing us. At first, the Bucks tail went up. Calmly Anna & I stood. Then, out of my spirit, I began speaking in the language of the Angels and began singing to them. Tails went down, and they stood listening for about five minutes. I blessed them in Jesus' name. THey then turned and went into the woods. Since that time, there have been too many true experiences of "close Encounter's" with other wild creatures, birds, dogs, and horses; with them doing and reacting toward me in ways that is "beyond normal". Like the little wren who accidentaly had flown into our tent, while camping, that we didn't see until the next morning in early light of day. Who'd spent the night on a clothes chord right above where yeptha our ShitZhu slept. Then, when we saw it, I greeted it with a "good morning baby, Jesus loves you". & a; " Are you ready to go outside now?" Immediately, that wren flew across the tent, landing on my foot that was poking from under our blanket. He sat there while I rolled to my other side, leaning over Anna, to un-zip the tent door. Pushing it open, he flew from my foot, out-doors. Later that morning, about 40-45 minutes, as Anna & I were seated at the picnic table beginning to eat breakfast, talking about the joyful experience; there came a small flock of 10-15 wrens, all landing in tree limbs within 10" of us. One wren began whistling a tune in shot segments. I began repeating each segment. He'd repeat it again. So, I'd repeat his "same" phrase. As I did, he'd change his to another specific, different tune segment. As I'd copy it in whistle, he'd repeat. So, I'd repeat. Then, he'd whistle a slightly different tune segment. I'd repeat. For nearly ten minutes that one little wren & I "Talked" while all the others were sitting on their perches leaning down toward us watching and listening. When he paused at the end, I said; "Jesus loves you-all." They then all at once, but not as though they were startled, but rather very calmly, all turned in the same direction and took off in unison. Later in that trip we encountered deer. One Paused to listen..... I'll leave other stories for another time. BUT! Here is the message! A Zo-ologist told me once that they'd tested animals in control studies, and had proven that animals are not "SPIRIT-BLIND"! They see into the spiritual realm as well as our own realm that we see as though they are all one. That, they see LIGHT AND DARK AURAS iminateing from each other, and from Humans. It has also been proven in tests that when a person walks in an attitude of love, when a person begins to truly sing or pray praises to Yehovah~Yahweh~Yeshua; that humans imminate a glowing multi colored light from their beings. That the more they do so from the heart, the brighter the multi colored auras become. THey are in facets of colors, which animals can still see, while humans have been blinded to because so much of human's brains have gone dormant. Yet, scientists have never been able to understand why the brain is dormant except for 10% to 15% normally functioning. We understand, who read the "Fall of mankind" from his perfect state. For, remember, Created in the perfect image & likeness of the Elohim, Adam was able to go where all living creatures dwelt so to name them. If one uses logic, one can see that "....when God 'brought' the creatures to Adam for him to name them, God didn't grab whales from the ocean, or fish, to BRING them to Adam, rather, God would have taken Adam to where they were to name them. For, remember! In the very beginning, Adam was a living, carbon copy of Godhead.... 3 interdependent parts in himself, as the Elohim was three yet one on an on-going continuum. Thus, one proof is almost hidden. It says in Creation Story, that God, desiring for a "god like" but just slightly below Angels in fashion and ability of their creation; person having a WILL to love him back; He/God, made ADAM. Then, later it says that Adam, like Elohim before him, realized he too, had no one to love him by a free determination, & that's when the Elohim put ADAM under and did surgery on him, and created a "Living Mirror Image, only, God caused Adam's brain to rotate over into a state in which the "LOGIC" side would be dormant, with the Subliminal functioning, by at a lower state. While when he "Built" Adam's "Mirror Image", Elohim caused Eve's (the 'mirror image') brain to go partly dormant, in that the Subliminal Brain became domenant, while the logic side operated but at a lower state. Yet! When walking in PERFECT UNITY IN THAT STATE OF ELOHIM LOVE with one another; Until Adam & Eve "Fell" under Luciufer/Satan's deception; ADAM & EVE could still do, but together, rarther than singularly; what ADAM had previously been able to do. THe "Rebellion/Fall" forced Elohim to do several things. Because Adam & Eve had been fuuly in perfect abilities with 100% of their brains functioning: When they fell and the Earth, with all it's living things and creatures, fell under the "Broken Curse Authority of the FALLEN ANGEL, Lucifer/Satan;"... God had to "Turn off" the majority of their brain ability, and their communication ability they had previously had with the other creatures. And it says God gave all creatures a FEAR of mankind, for their own protection, for man had become wicked in feeling, desire, and thinking. BUT! When a person, is made Spiritually Alive in relationship to/in Christ Jesus, and seeks of Yahweh, the Holy Spirit to grant them that Elohim Childlike Heart filled with love....... Creatures (Animals & Birds) will see it , as long as that person chooses to "WALK IN YESHUA LOVE" as he did when in the earth. For there are still ancient records confirming that Jesus as a child, youth, and adult, also! Regularly healed hurting and sick animals, as humans. So. Ponder how and why your "Chikens" came toward you s they did at that one given moment.


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